4 Ways Portable Backup Home Generators Saved Lives During Recent Events
Portable backup generators, like Univix’s “The Bank” can save lives in the event of a catastrophic event. There have been several major disasters in recent years that had serious traumatic and devastating impacts on communities across the United States. Many disaster survivors were left without power for weeks, leading to numerous threats, including heat exhaustion, food scarcity, and medical emergencies.
Fortunately, portable backup generators provide a reliable, transportable, and efficient backup energy supply in the event of a major power outage. In the case of several recent national disasters, portable backup generators saved lives and improved the quality of life for those affected by floods, hurricanes and storms.
The following information list will reveal 4 different ways that portable backup generators proved to be an essential resource during a recent crisis.
1). Access to Cellular Charging Stations for 2021 Hurricane Ida Survivors
On August 29th, 2021, Hurricane Ida, one of the worst storms in recent history, impacted the Louisiana coastline. This category 4 hurricane caused catastrophic and widespread damages well into the Louisiana and Mississippi inland.
Americans around the country were left worried about the safety of their loved ones who lived in the region. To make matters worse, many people were unable to reach their loved ones due to widespread power outages.
According to the US Department of Energy, Hurricane Ida left 1.2 million customers without power, some for longer than 3 weeks. Many people were left unable to charge their cell phones.
Through a variety of sources, Hurricane Ida victims were provided access to emergency generators. These cellular charging stations ensured that Hurricane Ida survivors had working cell phones to communicate with family members, or that could be utilized in the event of a medical emergency.
Access to such generators can be essential during these lengthy power outages. Communities with access to portable generators were able to charge their cellular phones, laptops, and other communication devices, not to mention heat baby formula, food and help to boil contaminated water.
2). Power for Critical Medical Devices after Hurricane Ian 2022
Florida residents are well-aware of the dangers associated with major tropical storms. For many years, Tampa was one of few Florida areas that had been spared from major tropical storms. This was true until October of 2022 when Hurricane Ian brought 155-mile-an-hour winds and caused major destruction throughout the city.
Hurricane Ian was the worst tropical storm that had impacted Tampa in over a century. New sources reported that over 100 people died during the storm.
Hurricane Ian also caused billions of dollars in economic damages, including the destruction of countless Tampa homes, businesses, and even hospitals. At one hospital in the Sarasota area, workers were forced to operate out of its parking lot, after Hurricane Ian destroyed the building.
Unlike traditional standby generator units, portable generators like The Bank from Univix are not restricted to one location. This mobility allows you to utilize them outside of your home when they are needed most. Portable emergency generators can be used for numerous applications in the event of a natural disaster.
Fortunately, the hospital had access to portable backup generators to power important medical equipment. This allowed hospital staff to set up an emergency tent outside of the building to provide lifesaving care to Hurricane Ian survivors
3). Essential Cooling Stations for 2022 Kentucky Floods Victims
Families in the Appalachian are accustomed to severe weather systems that bring heavy rainfall to the area. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict the amount of rainfall that will occur. This can lead to severe flooding throughout these mountainous regions
On July 28th, 2022, the worst flooding in recent history occurred in the Appalachian region of Kentucky. The floods were a result of days upon days of heavy rain that was estimated to be falling at a rate of 4 inches per hour.
Hundreds of families throughout the Appalachian were quickly forced out of their homes. This catastrophic flooding is responsible for the lives of 43 people.
The heavy floods also caused significant damage to critical infrastructures for water and electricity. Thousands of people were left without power in small Appalachian communities. The Governor reported that it could take months or even years to rebuild these essential infrastructures.
These power outages quickly became even more dangerous due to the sweltering August heat. Communities that had access to portable generators were fortunate enough to be able to provide residents with access to cooling stations.

4). Adequate Refrigeration for Survivors of Tropical Storm Isaias East Coast 2020
In late July 2020, tropical storm Isais struck the Eastern Coast of the United States. The storm traveled along the coast and impacted several areas of NC, SC, and Connecticut.
In one region of Connecticut, 70-mile-an-hour winds destroyed homes and commercial properties. The tropical storm caused a tornado to develop, knocking down trees, destroying power lines, and forcing many people out of their homes. Public infrastructures were also severely damaged, and residents were left without power for weeks.
Fortunately, FEMA helped thousands of Connecticut residents gain access to portable home backup generators. These compact and efficient appliances allowed refrigeration units to continue operation in the event of primary electrical power failure. This saves residents money on food costs and prevents food scarcity due to a lack of available refrigeration.
Univix Portable Backup Solar Generators are America's Best Choice in an Emergency
The Bank from Univix is among the most reliable, affordable, and powerful backup portable generators on the market today. If you are considering the potential impact of natural disasters that may impact you and your family, you know an alternative energy source will be vital. Portable backup generators are a reliable source of energy when a natural disaster causes widespread destruction. Protect your family and community in a natural disaster by choosing a portable, reliable, and efficient backup generator like The Bank from Univix.
Univix home generators are an efficient, reliable, and affordable solution to your backup energy needs. The Bank, by Univix, is an all-in-one backup energy supply solution. This generator provides enough energy to power the things that matter most during a power outage.
Contact Univix today to learn more about affordable home backup energy solutions